Ella Gebers, Miranda Nayak, Emry Price | About the Artists
About the Piece: The purpose of our video was to explore the concept of the lonely ghosts of deceased loved ones and to put an interesting spin on “a day in the life.” We liked the idea that ghosts, while haunting and spooky in concept, could be aching for companionship. Through our film, we explore a mundane and sentimental day in the life of the spirit of a dead girl haunting her family. A compelling idea resonates in the thought that not only does the family suffer the grief of their missing child, but the child suffers the grief of watching her family move on without her. The double sided conflict gave us much room to explore the emotional trauma and effects that being isolated but around had on Amelia, our ghost. We used an original poem to help emphasize this theme throughout the video.
About the Authors: We are Ella, Miranda, and Emry, and we love to create short films together!
Ella and Miranda are WHS seniors.